Friday, March 28, 2008

Top 10 Places to Get Down and Dirty

I like lists. It was fun doing the last one and I thought I’d do one more just for the heck of it. I wrote this in a hazy stupor this morning, just minutes after waking up.

I’d love to hear where everyone else’s favorite and naughty places to have a sensuous tryst are. Even more fun, how about somewhere where you haven’t but want to?! I’m sure MY little list is tame compared to yours. Shoot me an email or post a comment and I'll make another list with everyone's favs.

  1. Limousine
  2. Dressing room
  3. Stairs
  4. In an office
  5. Elevator
  6. Kitchen counter
  7. Hood of a car
  8. Public restroom
  9. Cemetery
  10. Swimming pool

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